• Santa Fund North Bay - Basket Packing Night Volunteers

We’ve surpassed our goal of $175,000.00!

The North Bay Santa Fund has surpassed its goal of $175,000!

We cannot thank our community enough for your incredible generosity, especially at a time in history where we need each other most. Thank you all so much for opening your hearts to ensure no families or children went without this holiday season.

The North Bay Santa Fund office will be accepting applications online starting November 20th, 2023. If you are a family in need or know a family in need within the North Bay city limits, please review our Application Page for more information.

About the North Bay Santa Fund

2023 marks the 76th anniversary of the North Bay Santa Fund.

Every year the North Bay Santa Fund collects donations to help those in need during the holiday season. Our volunteers assemble over 400 baskets of groceries and over 1,500 toys to be delivered to families and children in North Bay.

The Santa Fund is the city’s largest and longest-running fundraising effort. Each year, individuals and groups in the community coming up with creative ways to help support the cause. The packing and delivery of hampers is a Christmas tradition for many residents. Many volunteers braving the weather to help ensure that families don’t go without during the holidays.

No families without food,
no children without toys.

You can make your donation online or at the Gem Sewing at 259 Worthington Street West from December 4th – 22nd, Monday to Friday from 9:30 a.m. – 1 p.m. and you will receive an official tax receipt from our dedicated volunteers. We thank you for continuing the dream that Art Haley, Sam Jacks and Ed Dewey started 76 years ago.



76th Annual Santa Fund Donations

Anonymous $500
Regan and Parker Gavan $100
Mrs. Arena Venasse $100
From Pat and Bill Wilkins $100
Anonymous $50
Wolf and Cecelia $200
From Daisy $200
Anonymous $40
Brian Fawcett $400
Jack and Gwen Wallace and Family $125
Anonymous $1,000
Jessie Orlando $200
Linda and William Hewitt $100
From the Benning Family in Memory of Stephanie and Myrtle Carr $200
Carol and Robert Trounsell $40
Rita Champagne $25
Nipissing Country Music Association $100
George Gilbert $100
In loving memory of Bill Curry $250
In memory of Bob Lorek $500
Anonymous $5
Thinking of our Charter Members of As One That Serves Men’s Group $375
In memory of Ilario Board $50
In memory of Alma and Clayton Ferguson $500
From Ken and Joyce $100
Brian and Carol Tremblay $750
Anonymous $750
The Stubbert Family $100
The Everitt Family $250
In Loving Memory of Punch Love Carol $50
Trout Mills Women’s Institute $50
Frank and Anna Petruzella $200
Jack and Paulette Martel $100
IAMAW Local 2412 $250
Mitchell Jensen Architects Inc $500
Leo Coffin $100
AB&D Plumbing $200
North Bay Police Association $1,000
North Shore Convenience $1,050
Dubien Custom Cabinets $400
Gateway Casinos $1,000
Fairbarn Electric $1,000
Tammy Morison $200
Prep Therapy $100
Warriors of Hope $1,017
Kendra Clarke $20
Lions Club of Ferris $500
Jacques Plante $50
Thermo Coustics Ltd. $1,000
Anne and Isaac Chrest $50
North Bay Professional Firefighters $1,000
Pamela Goulais – Cupcake sales $1,050
Kate Merritt–Dupelle $20
Carolyn Couchie $1,100
Print Three $300
Kaps Carolers $300
Anonymous $310
Anonymous $40
Anonymous $20
In memory of Ross Gowan From the family $100
Marc and Claudette $125
Marg and Gerry $100
In memory of Paula Bale $50
Sonia Vlach $100
In memory of Mom, Dad and Lou $200
Erma Rowsome $100
In memory of Cheryl (Cox) Maltby $500
The Demarco’s Coffee Club $140
Anonymous $1,000
In memory of Mom and Dad $20
Anonymous $50
In memory of Dick Cuthbertson $50
In memory of Jean Fitzgerald $50
In memory of Nancy Pigden from Sue Elliott $50
Anonymous $25
Mary Young and David Beaver $100
Eldon and Vivian Hawton $100
Crockford Family $100
Nestor Koziak $100
In memory of “Big Al” Denis and Teresa $25
The Leach Family $400
John and Joan $100
The Sargent Family $250
Anonymous $20
United Steelworkers Local 2020 $500
Stradwicks Carpet One $300
North Bay Elks Lodge – Bingo in Trust $2,000
Lucenti, Orlando Barristers and Solicitors $750
In memory of Connie and Wib Elliott and Bob Elliott $200
McDougall Energy $1,500
North Bay Concert J.O.Y Band $851
Wagg’s Petroleum Equipment Ltd. $500
In loving memory of our daughter Sandra, my husband Don and our daughter-in-law Ausilia $500
Yosh and Jean $100
In memory of Joyce and Sheila $100
Bill and Maureen Bentley $200
In memory of Dana $650
In memory of Dorothy Vivian from the Vivian Family $100
Jean Paul Laroche and Zena Laroche $200
H&M Enterprise – a division of 54364 Ontario Inc. $400
Joanne Bernier $50
Anonymous $500
Darwin and Ruby $100
Remembering Jack and Jim $100
OSSTF District 4 ESSP $200
Ellen Manson and Family $200
Shoppers Drug Mart Employees Fund $100
Hector Ricciuti $50
Peter and Peggy Chirico $100
Jeff McCarthy $100
Donna Backer $50
Mitch Belanger $150
Noah Strong $5,000
In memory of Marisa Urso $50
Optimum Insurance Co. Inc $500
North Bay & Area Realtors $1,500
Mike and Mary Marrs $50
In memory of Barb and Ephrim Couchie $50
Alfredo Ricciuti $50
Allison Boule $40
Marie and Andree $100
Doris Ranger $20
Brenda Walsh $25
Marlo Johnson $20
Active Running $100
Maurice Switzer $50
Katie Bedard $100
Smits and Chusrosbie Family $500
Being grateful $1,500
Doug and Deb Luckett $300
Staff at Fairstone Financial $300
Matteo, Aliza, Madelna, Alex, Louise and Elle Ricciuti $100
Wes Fudge $100
Thomas Robertson $100
Neil and Sue Lazarou $100
In memory of Bertha and Valerie Yzereef $50
RCAF 422 Wing $200
Edward Mounce $100
Vossos, Luoma and Assoc. $1,000
Renee H $20
Jackie Orlando $300
Campigotto Counselling $240
In memory of Perry Pavone $50
Paul Cauchy $20
Bill Church $60
Franck Nucara, Antonio Nucara and Leonora Luca $100
Sera Tempio $20
Brad Stenning and Family $250
Harry and Patty Sloan $20
In memory of Olga Griffin $50
Lucille Cote $200
Klazina Hiltz $500
Merry Christmas Marcus $50
Joleen Tignanelli $20
Anonymous $20
Anonymous $275
Micheal Stemp $500
Twiggs Coffee Roasters $500
Anonymous $20
Ryan Drouin $100
Anonymous $40
The Brick North Bay $3,160
From Brenda and Terry $100
Jean Griffin and Doug Braund $200
Scott Carr $100
Mike Doyle $20
Twiggs Coffee Roasters Fraser Street $825
K of C Bingo in Trust $500
Paul Larsh $100
James Vigars Medicine Professional Corp. $400
Adam and Tammy Lalonde $50
Express Parcel $1,000
The Barry Family $150
Thinking of Neddy $500
Northgate Shopping Centre $556
West Ferris Secondary School Academy $804
Lise G. $15
Guy F. $20
Peter and Barb Webster $50
Memory of Jerry Mancari $150
Renee Larose and Rick Tass $50
Employees of Gen 7 and 17 Hour Jocko Point Fish and Chips $1,500
Anonymous $20
In memory of Joanna Wall from Mom, Brother and Richard $300
Ralph and Pat Diegel $150
Sunset Park School $1,254
North Bay Rock Choir $182
Clement and Duchesne Family $100
In memory of Kim $100
Merry Christmas $5
Anonymous $500
Anna and Vern Mortson $50
Firenze Italia 2023 $30
In memory of Emily and Oscar Paquette and Jeanne Hodgins from Vivian and Philip $50
In memory of Lily $20
In memory of John Richardson $500
In memory of Bill, Pearl, Jessie and Archie $100
From Bob & Kris Nicholls and Family $500
Anonymous $20
The Lawrences Steve, Sevin and Parents $100
Glenn & Marilyn Meadows $100
Donation from the Clement Family $100
The Wilcox Family $250
Paul Brazeau & Anne Delaney $300
Retired Teachers of Ontario District 43 $500
Crib For Fun $50
Anonymous $200
In memory of Mom, Dad and Kim $20
Ivan and Donna Storie $100
In memory of Violet and Velma $100
Margaret Raynon Hughes $100
Anonymous $5
In memory of Ian McTavish $1,450
Central Plaza Laundry $200
Corky & Janet Bucci $200
Anonymous $200
Anonymous $20
Ted and Sharron Thomson $1,000
Anonymous $100
In memory of Roberta and Gayle $1,000
From the Hatfields $50
From the North Bay Court House $1,252
Anonymous $100
Anonymous $50
In loving memory of Anne Cangiano $100
In loving memory of Gino Tedesco $100
In loving memory of Lil and Eddie Sarlo $100
Anonymous $437
Wanda and John $100
George and Lynne and family $500
Bob and Frankie Syme $100
Helen Karnouchow $100
Nancy and Greg Dupont $25
Anonymous $25
Ron McCurdy $200
TD Canada Trust on Main $500
Royal Canadian Legion Branch 599 West Ferris $792
Royal Canadian legion Branch 599 West Ferris (General Acct) $3,278
Anonymous $60
Anonymous $100
Doris & Sue – In memory of Don Stuart $200
Anonymous $200
Anonymous $1,000
Happy Birthday ONO $100
In memory of Terry Dominico & Rudy & Jeanette $300
Ouellette Family $500
Guy Ouellette $50
In memory of Maurice & Guerande Belanger $100
Greg Holmes $200
Greg Holmes $197
Gerry Rivet $200
Silver Birches Elementary School $276
Symetrics $974
Danielle Cousineau $944
In honor of St. Anthony $50
In memory of Jim Marmino $100
In honor of St Anthony of Padua $500
Jean & Garnet $250
Roma & Lil $30
Anonymous $100
Anonymous $100
Merry Christmas to everyone from John & Olivia $100
In memory of Grampy and Jeff from the McLuhan and McArthur families $100
Mrs. Elizabeth Critchley $51
North Bay and Area Community Foundation $1,000
In memory of Phil Lefebvre $200
Dr. Blair Bowker $200
Jim & M.J Chappell $50
Remembering Pearl and Dan $50
Al and Norma Johnson $100
Ontario Adjusters Association $100
Helen Swanson $20
In memory of the Goldthorpe family – Grandpa & Dad, JG Goldthorpe & Margaret Goldthorpe $50
In memory of Gary Jodouin $1,000
Harvest King $1,500
Pilot Diamond Tools Limited $1,000
Premier Mining Products Inc. $1,000
Joe Guido $1,000
Joe Guido $1,000
City of North Bay Staff $86
North Bay Police Services $500
In memory of George Stockfish $5,000
Anonymous $250
Anonymous $100
In memory of Gramma and Aunt Nancy – Love the Cowpers $1,000
Taylor $25
In memory of Colleen Wheeler $50
Tony and Mae Hardy $100
Anonymous $200
Marianne Gatenby $100
Jim and Nancy Cluff – In memory of Heather $50
In memory of Lee Frampton and in memory of Bob, Marie, Mike Lee and Gail Scanlon $100
Granite Club Senior Day Curlers $250
Wednesday Walkers $100
Wednesday Walkers $50
Wednesday Walkers $50
Wednesday Walkers $20
Wednesday Walkers $50
Wednesday Walkers $100
Kristin Bainbridge $250
Murray and Cathy Howe $250

Thank you for your donation!

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